CS4510: Automata and Complexity

Fall 2019, MW 3-4:15pm in Clough 144

This is a course about models of computation and reasoning about their power.
(Textbook: "Introduction to the Theory of Computation," Michael Sipser)

Instructor: Santosh Vempala. Office Hours: W:11-12:30 and by appt. Office Location: Klaus 2224A
Aditi Laddha. OH: MW 1-2:30pm
Yanan Wang. OH: TR: 3:30-5pm
Abrahim Ladha. OH: F: 1-4pm
Nathania Nah. OH: F: 10am-1pm
Xiaofu Niu. OH: MW: 11:30am-1pm
Richard (Zijie) Meng. OH: MW: 10-11:30am
Nicolas Soong. OH: R: 12-3pm
Frederic Faulkner. OH: TR:10-11:30am
TA office hours will be between room 2116 and room 2124 on the second floor of Klaus (AS DEFAULT), either in/near 2108.
Sometimes the TAs will reserve rooms in Clough.

Schedule (tentative):

Grading: HW: 20%, 3 midterm exams: 20% each, Final: 20%.
We'll take the best n-1 HWs for your grade. No late HWs.