CS6550/8803: Continuous Algorithms: Optimization and Sampling
Spring 2025. MW: 2-3:15pm, Klaus 2447
Santosh Vempala, Klaus 2222, Office hour: Mon 3:30-4:30pm.
TAs: Yunbum Kook (OH: Mon 9-11am), Daniel Zhang (OH: Thu 1-3pm), Aditya Lonkar (OH: Fri 9-11am).
The design of algorithms is traditionally a discrete endeavor. However, many advances have come from a
continuous viewpoint. Typically, a continuous process, deterministic or randomized is designed (or shown) to have
desirable properties, such as approaching an optimal solution or a desired distribution, and an algorithm is
derived from this by appropriate discretization. We will use this viewpoint to develop several general techniques and build up to the state-of-the-art in polynomial algorithms for optimization and sampling. These techniques include:
- Reduction
- Elimination
- Conditioning
- Geometrization
- Expansion
- Sparsification
- Acceleration
- Decomposition
- Discretization
Prerequisite: CS6515 (graduate algorithms) or equivalent, basic knowledge of probability and linear algebra.
Textbook (draft, with Yin Tat Lee)
HW (35%): Biweekly HW. You are encouraged to collaborate on HW, but must write your own solutions. Submit via gradescope (link on canvas).
Two in-class mid-term exams (30% each).
Send comments on textbook via this form (up to 0.5% per chapter and 5% total).
Bonus (up to 10%): simpler proofs, new exercises.
Schedule (tentative):
- Introduction
Jan 6. Course overview. Convexity. Notes. HW1 (due Jan 10 by noon).
Jan 8. Gradient descent. Notes
Jan 13. Strong convexity; Gradient flow; Langevin dynamics. Notes.
Jan 15. Sampling and Diffusion. Notes. HW2 (due Jan 24 by noon).
- Elimination
Jan 20. MLK Holiday
Jan 22. Cutting Plane Method: Ellipsoid Algorithm.
Jan 27. Cutting Plane Method: Center of Gravity.
- Reduction
Jan 29. CPM: Computing the Volume.
Feb 3. Oracles and Duality.
Feb 5. Optimization from Membership.
- Geometrization I: Euclidean
Feb 10,12. Markov chains and conductance.
Feb 17. Sampling convex bodies: the Ball Walk.
Feb 19. Logconcave functions.
Feb 24. Isoperimetry and the Localization Lemma.
Feb 26. Sampling and Volume in Polynomial Time.
- Geometrization II: Non-Euclidean
Mar 3. The Central Path Method.
Mar 5. The Newton Method.
Mar 10. Interior-Point Algorithms.
Mar 12. Midterm I.
Mar 17, 19. Spring break
Mar 24. Simulated Annealing.
Mar 26.
- Acceleration
Mar 31. Nesterov and Ball method.
Apr 2. Gaussian Cooling.
Apr 7. Midterm II.
Apr 9, 14. Algorithmic Diffusion.
Apr 16. (Riemannian) Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.
- Discretization
Apr 21. Lattices and Basis Reduction.